Posts I Will Write At Some Point

  • -Women's pants (yes, this is related to teaching)
  • County vs. township school districting
  • teachers are aliens from mars (or, "you eat lunch?")
  • Urban appendices to management books
  • Cultural differences in discipline
  • Ruby Payne's "A Framework for Understanding Poverty"

Sunday, February 08, 2009

things for next year: an occasional series

I keep thinking of things I really want to write about, but forgetting to write about them by the time I get home (and I don't really want to blog at school, although I can get to the website. It just seems poor form.) So I'll add to the list at the top of the blog, and for now I'll just start a note-to-self category, which I've been meaning to make anyway.

-Index Card word walls. I actually heard this idea originally from the writing teacher last year. I had various issues with her, though, so wasn't really ready to listen to much she had to say. But I like the idea of having index card boxes where the kids can write down their own vocabulary words and have them in a box. Saves me wall space, gives them writing practice, and alphabetization too.

-Book organization. Oh dear G/god(s) I need to get my bookshelf organized. I will probably spend all summer on this.


Anonymous said...

If you have ideas that you want to write without blogging them right away, you might try jotting them down in a text file and then reposting when you get home or to a place you can blog from... USB sticks are great for saving and transporting personal stuff this way...

kaywadie said...

Hi. I found your blog via a Google search for a hanging piano. I'm hoping to get your permission to use the photo in order to make a promotional poster for Taylor Mali's upcoming visit to my school.

Since I was in the neighborhood, I read a few of your entries. I hope you just gave up on blogging, not on teaching. Kids need teachers like you.

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