Posts I Will Write At Some Point

  • -Women's pants (yes, this is related to teaching)
  • County vs. township school districting
  • teachers are aliens from mars (or, "you eat lunch?")
  • Urban appendices to management books
  • Cultural differences in discipline
  • Ruby Payne's "A Framework for Understanding Poverty"

Thursday, November 29, 2007


While cleaning out my coat closet just now (yes, I am cleaning out my coat closet instead of doing grades, which should surprise exactly no one) I discovered the missing piece to what I hadn't fully realized was a puzzle.

See, two weeks ago, the counselor sent home an invitation to Pinball Boy's father to come in for a meeting -- one via Pinball Boy, and one via metered mail. The day of the conference, Pinball Boy's father called to say that he had just that morning received the notice by mail, and that this wasn't sufficient notice, and could we reschedule for this week? Obviously, we did. (He then failed to show up this week at the rescheduled conference because he thought it was on Thursday instead of Wednesday. The apple, apparently, falleth not far from the tree.)

Now, all through the preceding week, Pinball Boy had been asking could he go see the counselor, because "his dad" wanted to know why he had to come in for a meeting, and what it was about, and all this stuff. Having been well schooled in the wily ways of parents, I thought nothing of this contradictory state of affairs until ten minutes ago, when I found myself digging in a crate half-buried behind a box of paper, in which I found, halfway down and obviously planted there, the envelope addressed to "the parents of Pinball Boy." (His coat hook is on the opposite side of the closet.) Heh heh heh.

So, there's one more bit of evidence (in addition to my copious anecdotal records and math tests and spelling tests) for the meeting which (I hope) will take place next Wednesday.

I really want to like this boy. He's an engaging kid, and he's got a good sense of humor, but the fact that I am apparently one of the only teachers in the school who has any trouble with him dampens my affection, I have to admit. I don't like being the only one defeated by him. (and of course, if I were to ask any of these other teachers to come in and observe, Heisenberg would spoil everything for me. Hidden cameras, maybe...?)

In any case, evening engagements call. Plus, I've been in this building (again) for almost thirteen hours today. Yech. Time to gather a big stack of grade-able papers and be on my way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Heisenberg. If you solve THAT one, publish. Might be useful to consider, fleetingly, how interactions would look if someone WERE observing.

May NOT be useful to think comparatively about you and PB vs. other teachers and PB. Possibly they had troubles you haven't heard about. Whether or not, though: if they're potential sources of advice or insight, good. If not, they don't much matter.

I wonder if there's ever been a kid who didn't "lose" a note from teacher to parents at least sometimes...with my own eyes I've seen them folded into paper airplanes and launched out of school-bus windows. I always wondered what any finder might make of them...