Posts I Will Write At Some Point

  • -Women's pants (yes, this is related to teaching)
  • County vs. township school districting
  • teachers are aliens from mars (or, "you eat lunch?")
  • Urban appendices to management books
  • Cultural differences in discipline
  • Ruby Payne's "A Framework for Understanding Poverty"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Much easier time today. I just need to keep reminding myself that they're getting into the routines just like I am, and it's going to be a little rough sometimes.
Apparently we're figuring out rounding. I still don't feel like I'm explaining it horribly well, but honestly it's something they should have learned before. >_< And some of them are on top of it.

This one boy is really getting to me. He's pretty smart -- can read pretty well, and knows his math thus far -- but apparently has a horrendous home life and acts up ALL THE TIME. I can appreciate that he's got it rough, and I try to give him positive feedback whenever I can, but I can't not correct him when he acts out, and it just makes him sullen and sluggish. I suppose I ought to be content with the fact that his behavior means he won't get to participate in Fun Friday, since he'll be doing all the work he didn't do during the week, but it's still frustrating. I also suspect that he stole a pencil sharpener top from the girl who sits behind him, although he denies it and I obviously can't prove anything. Sigh.

Off to do more lesson plans (yay math! the next lesson is at least pretty straightforward, so I can be reasonably confident that we'll get through it. If they can't add by third grade, we have bigger problems than I thought we had.) and possibly to go to Target. I need to buy some games for Fun Friday.

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